St. Bridget's Church

Brigham Parish has two Churches,  St. Bridget's Church and Brigham Methodist Church.

St. Bridget's Church

Church Services dates and times are on the website or Facebook

Enquiries for christenings, baptisms, marriages or funerals and current should be addressed to the Office of the Cockermouth  Area Team  01900 829926

For general enquiries contact a Churchwarden:- Brian Furness on 01900 823881 or Brenda Sykes on 01900 824874

Unless there is a service or event the Church is locked. To arrange access please contact Brian Furness on the number above.

Brigham Cemetery, which is next to the Church is owned and managed by Allerdale Borough Council. Queries regarding the cemetery need to be made to Allerdale Borough Council Bereavement Services  Tel: 0303 1231702

Brigham Methodist Church

Church Services dates and times and contact details can be found on the website or Facebook.

Craft and Chat – meets every other Thursday, 9:30-11:00am.

Brigham Bunnies – Our happy little group of pre-schoolers meet every Monday during term-time, 9:30-11:00am